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About Us

Fashion Twenty Six

Fashion TwentySix was birthed from our sense of love and admiration for fashion. The notion was to create looks that give consumers a variety and versatility; whether you desire being cozy and comfortable, to having a Girls’ night out. Being unique is our ultimate goal.

F26 is not your typical clothing brand. It is a creative voice that inspires, and supports women of all ages, shapes, sizes, creeds, and color. YOU are the fashion. The brand simply represents your personality. This is primal, and that is what we want you to feel when shopping with us.

In society now, it is the quintessential time to make Fashion TwentySix into a brand and no longer simply a concept. With our brand starting at the top of 2024, we feel it is the time to be a beacon for women in fashion, and to empower them to no longer shield themselves behind their apparel, but to step into our clothing, and become exuberant in their confidence.

The goal for us is to become a global brand that boosts the morale of all women via department stores, runways, magazines, and social media. We are not only a new brand; we are a TRUE brand.

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Adam Smith Businessman

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Hannah Smith Artist

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Robert Smith Designer

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